A place for all
You may become a member of First Church any Sunday morning by profession of faith in Jesus Christ or transfer of membership from another denomination. At the conclusion of every service, anyone who is interested in joining our family of faith is invited to come forward during the closing song. The minister will then ask you to uphold the church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. If you or your children have not been baptized, we will schedule your baptism for an upcoming service.
Your spiritual health and growth is of the upmost importance in being a member of First Church. We strive to be a people who embody the message of Christ in love and mercy. By becoming a member of this church, we ask that you strive to live a life worthy of this. We hope you will pray for the church daily, so that it can continue to flourish.
Faithful attendance in worship and participation in ministry is expected of all members. Fellowship together with other believers is essential to a being a follower of Christ. We hope you will register your attendance in the registration pads during worship.
Your financial support of First Church makes it possible for us to minister in the community and the world. Members are asked to give regularly and are encouraged to be faithful stewards. For your convenience, offering envelopes are mailed to all members. You are also asked to complete a yearly Estimate of Giving Card to help the church budget effectively.
The church is not a building, but instead a living and breathing organism made of members in service. When you join the church, you are expected to find an area of service to become involved. Contact Lacey Adair | LAdair@FUMCPensacola.com to find out how to get connected!
Sharing God’s love and message is part of being a follower of Christ. We hope that you will share with family, friends and strangers about what God is doing in your life at First Church.

Director of Membership
Email Lacey

Coffee with the Pastors is a small gathering is a great time to get to know each other, ask questions of our clergy, and to find out more about the missions & ministries of First United Methodist Church of Pensacola.
Contact Lacey Adair, Director of Membership for more information.
New Member Form
All new members are asked to complete a new member form below, including basic information for our church records. For more information about joining, please contact Lacey Adair at 850-432-1434 or ladair@fumcpensacola.com.