There’s a place for you here
With our young people going back to school and re-entering the rhythm of the school year, we want to invite you to make church a part of your weekly routine. Join us on Sunday for services. Join us on Wednesday for mid-week dinner and programming. Make church part of the rhythm of your life. You’ll be glad you did.
Visiting a church for the first time or even after a time away can be intimidating. When you’re ready to take that step, we want to make sure that you feel informed before you arrive and welcomed when you are here.
Below you will find everything you need to know, guiding you all the way from the parking lot to the exit. Still have questions? I would love to help answer any questions and meet you on Sunday or Wednesday! Lacey Adair | LAdair@FUMCPensacola.com
Sunday, August 13
Promotion Sunday and Ice Cream Sundae Bar!
To mark the beginning of the new school year and to celebrate the kick-off of a new semester of children, youth, and adult programming in the church, we will have a special Sunday with delicious treats and a focus on education. Our worship and the sermons will be themed around the importance of education. And during the Sunday School hour (9:45-10:45am), adults are invited to gather in the Great Hall for an ice cream sundae bar and coffee. There will also be information about all our Sunday School and MidWeek education opportunities for those interested in being a part of a small group or class. Our Kids and Students will enjoy a sundae treat in their own program areas (the Education Building and the Youth Building). And they will be promoted to their new Sunday School class.
New Sermon Series Begins | 8:30 & 11:00am | Main Sanctuary
Summer in the Psalms: The Soundtrack of Life
Starting August 13, during our 8:30 & 11:00am Main Sanctuary Services, First United Methodist Church of Pensacola is holding a six-week festival called “Summer in the Psalms: The Soundtrack of Life.” Each week will feature a particular type of psalm. The Psalter is the ancient hymnal of Israel; it also was the prayer book of Jesus. Dr. Geoffrey Lentz, Senior Pastor of FUMC, will talk each Sunday about how the Psalms can be a great resource to deepen your spirituality. Because the Psalter is a musical book, each week we will integrate music from many different genres including: gospel, rock, folk, country, and jazz.
Sunday Mornings
First United Methodist Church of Pensacola has three Sunday morning worship services in a variety of styles. Each service follows the Revised Common Lectionary, celebrates Communion weekly, and includes a special sermon for children. Click HERE to find more about what we believe.
Traditional Services
8:30 & 11:00am | Main Sanctuary
The Traditional Services include a sermon by The Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Lentz, Senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church of Pensacola, as well as music led by Dr. Rick Branch and the Main Sanctuary Choir.
11:00am | Wesley Abbey
ICON is a tradition rich service, with a unique blend of traditional and contemporary music, that includes a sermon by the Rev. Brandon Bures, Executive Pastor, and music led by Brian Brown and our ICON worship team.
We offer a wide variety of Sunday mornings classes at 9:45am for adults. These smaller communities encourage us to grow as disciples as we study, serve, and build community. Our Sunday Morning Classes span every age and life-stage.
Not sure what class to try? Stop by the welcome desk on Sunday morning or contact Lisa Bond | LBond@FUMCPensacola.com for assistance. MORE INFO
Directions & Parking
First United Methodist Church of Pensacola is located at 6 East Wright Street, Pensacola, Florida 32501.
We offer Sunday morning nursery, as well as Sunday School opportunities for Pre-K through 12th Grade.
Worship Online
We provide weekly online worship opportunities on Sunday mornings at 8:30 & 11:00am here and on Facebook.
starting WEdnesday, August 16
Mid-Week at First Church
Join us for our Mid-Week programming at First United Methodist Church of Pensacola! From Wednesday Night Dinner to programming for kids, we have something for everyone.
Free Wednesday Night Kick-Off Dinner
August 16 | 5:00 – 6:00pm | The Wright Place
We are kicking off our regular Midweek activities with a FREE dinner in The Wright Place!
Join us for a time of fellowship and delicious food, reconnect with old friends, and meet some new ones. This is also a great opportunity for evangelism so invite your friends and family! Menu: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Garlic Toast, Green Salad, and Bread Pudding
Classes for Adults
Pastor’s Bible Study | Exodus
Wednesdays Starting Aug 16 | 6:00–7:00pm | The Great Hall
Everyone is welcome to gather in the Great Hall after dinner for the Pastor’s Bible Study. Dr. Geoffrey Lentz will be leading us in a study called “Exodus: the Movement of God’s People.” The heart of the Old Testament and Torah is the Book of Exodus. It details the central story of the Hebrew Scripture: the delivery of Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and their wilderness journey to the Promised Land. In the process, God disclosed God’s name and nature and
made with them an everlasting covenant. This journey of liberation has been a road map for all who yearn for freedom whether it is political or spiritual. But, most of all, it is an invitation to be in relational covenant with Almighty God.
Disciple 1: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study
6:00-7:00pm | Upstairs Wright Place
The study gives the Old and New Testaments equal time, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God. DISCIPLE draws upon the work of scholars, the personal Bible reading and study of the participant, and dynamic group discussion to aid understanding of the Bible. Led by Earle McAuley
5:30-7:00pm | Education Building
Nursery is available for infants up to 2 years old for parents attending class and choir practice. No registration required.
First Kids Programming
Our Wednesday programming for Kindergarten–5th Grade starts at 3:00pm with a time for great extracurricular classes, developing relationships in small group settings, and having fun singing and playing together. Afternoon programs are divided by age-group and listed below. This lasts until dinner. After dinner, parents can attend classes while kids continue their fun with our Midweek program starting in the gym.
KidConnect (for K–3rd Grade)
Wednesdays | 3:00–5:15pm | Starts in Wesley Abbey | Register Online
All children, Kindergarten to 3rd Grade, are invited to join us for KidConnect, our midweek connection time with camp style classes like sports, music, drama, drawing – Pinterest Party games and more. We will meet for worship in Wesley Abbey, enjoy an extracurricular activity, and connect with friends. Students who love to sing and would like to participate in our Christmas musical are invited to stay and participate in our Children’s Choirs. Pick up will be at 5:15pm in the gym.
Chilltime (for 4th & 5th Grade)
Wednesdays | 3:00–5:15pm | Starts in Wesley Abbey | Register Online
Each week, all 4th and 5th Graders are invited to join us for Worship and Chilltime in the Wesley Abbey Cafe. We will enjoy lots of fun activities along with a yummy snack while we chill out with friends. We will start in Wesley Abbey for worship with the other children, then we will have our own Chilltime in the cafe. Students who love to sing and would like to participate in our Christmas musical are invited to stay and participate in our Children’s Choirs. Pick up will be at 5:15pm in the gym.
First Kids: Midweek (for Preschool–5th Grade)
Wednesdays | 5:50–7:00pm | Gym, Education Building
This Wednesday evening program is a great time of fellowship and faith building for Preschoolers and Elementary kids. Each age group will have a devotion/story and play time while parents enjoy a class and fellowship with others.
First Students Programming
6:00–7:00pm | Youth Building
Students, 6th to 12th Grade, are invited to the Youth Building for fellowship, games, learning, and worship on Wednesday evenings.