5 Christmas Eve Services
4:00pm | Main Sanctuary (map)
Christmas Eve at First Church starts at 4pm with a service of candlelight and Christmas carols that includes a children’s moment and a time of holy communion. There will also be music from the artists formerly known as youth choir members. As the sun goes down, we’ll light our candles (battery powered for the little ones) and sing Silent Night.
5:00pm | An ICON Christmas in Wesley Abbey (map)
An ICON Christmas starts at 5:00pm in Wesley Abbey. This is an intimate, family-friendly, candlelight, and communion service. It includes a special children’s time with a reading of the Christmas Story and music from the ICON band.
6:00 & 8:00pm | Main Sanctuary (map)
At 6 and 8pm, join us in the Main Sanctuary for a traditional service of candlelight, Christmas carols, communion, and special choral music. (There will be a children’s moment at 6:00pm). Music will be provided by the Sanctuary Choir at each of these services.
11:00pm | Main Sanctuary (map)
Our final service of the night will be at 11:00pm. We’ll sing Christmas carols and have special music. There will be a time of communion. And just before midnight we’ll light candles and sing Silent Night. At midnight we’ll ring in Christmas day and sing Joy to the World.
Childcare & Nursery
All children are encouraged to attend worship with their families; however, nursery is provided for children under 5 at the 4:00, 5:00, & 6:00pm services. Access to the nursery, located on the 1st floor of the Education Building (indicated in red on map), will be available through the gym or the entrance on Belmont by the playground. If you need help locating the nursery, please see an usher or greeter for assistance.

More Services & Concerts…
White Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 8 | 5:00pm | Main Sanctuary (map)
Start the season with some festive Christmas music presented by our Children’s, Tween, and Youth Choirs. A special offering will be collected to benefit Embrace Florida Kids. Afterwards, everyone is invited to join us for pizza and cookies in The Wright Place. Nursery provided.
Community Christmas Concert and Carol Sing-Along
Monday, December 9 | 7:30pm | Activities Center (map) | FREE
The Pensacola Bay Concert Band (PBCB), a 110-piece community concert band, will perform a FREE Christmas Concert and carol sing-along in the Henry Roberts Activity Center (Gym) as a thank-you to our church for the temporary use of our facilities for practice space. Please bring non-perishable food items for Manna Food Pantry.
Sanctuary Choir Christmas Concert with Orchestra
Sunday, December 15 | 7:30pm | Main Sanctuary (map)
This is a traditional evening of classical Christmas favorites presented by the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary Choir under the direction of Rick and Heidi Branch. A full professional orchestra will accompany the choir. A reception will follow the concert in The Wright Place.
Electric Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 22 | 6:00pm | Activities Center (map)
An exciting concert of music from the Mannheim Steamroller Fresh Aire Christmas series, presented by members and friends of the FUMC Music Ministry.
Longest Night Service
Thursday, December 19 | 6:00pm | Chapel (map)
Christmas can be a painful time for some, especially for those who are grieving or in despair, so each year around the longest night, we hold a service of healing prayers, scripture, and music that acknowledges God’s presence for those who mourn or struggle. All are welcome.
Combined Service
Sunday, December 29 | 11:00am | Main Sanctuary
We will have one combined service with communion at 11:00am in the Main Sanctuary.
Epiphany Concert
Monday, January 6 | 7:00pm | Main Sanctuary (map)
Join us for a very special last concert of the season, “Journey to the Manger”, featuring local musicians from area churches.
Please visit our welcome desk in the Main Office where a greeter can assist you in learning more about First Church. You can also email our Director of Assimilation, Lacey Adair (LAdair@FUMCPensacola.com).
This United Methodist congregation was founded in 1821. We are the oldest Protestant church in the area and the mother church of Methodism in Florida. We’ve been here for over 200 years, and we’re looking forward to 200 more! It’s an historic church that preserves the past and embraces the future, and there’s a place for you here.
Click HERE for more information about regular Sunday Service times.
In addition to public street parking, we also have three main parking lots on campus (indicated in light green on map). View the map below to find out what options will suit you best!
We also offer Assisted Parking for those needing special assistance. To take advantage of this program, you can pull your car into the spaces marked by an “Assisted Parking” sign directly in front of The Wright Place (marked with a blue dot on the map). You will be greeted by a volunteer that will assist you out of the car if you need it. We’ll also have wheelchairs available curbside for your assistance should you need one. Contact Jennifer Piver (JPiver@FUMCPensacola.com) with any questions.