“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life†(John 3:16). God Almighty loves the whole world, and as God’s people we are called to love everyone and to invite them into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are called to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ—the evangelistic message of God’s love and redeeming grace—is to be shared with everyone. We believe in “open hearts, open minds, open doors†but we don’t only welcome people to our church. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we actively seek and invite people to come and be a part of what God is doing in the world. We endeavor to be examples of God’s redeeming love, so we share with others our personal testimonies of God’s transforming love. As a Christian church, we strive to bring everyone we can to Jesus Christ. We want the whole world to know the joy of God’s forgiveness and to experience the comfort and peace of the Holy Spirit.
At First Church we see hospitality as a means of sharing the love of God and strive to practice hospitality as a way to welcome, receive, and care for others. We are a welcoming church that opens our hearts and our doors to everyone, inviting all to become a part of this family of faith.
First Church invites others into relationship with God and into our church community. Being invitational is more than merely inviting people to church; it means investing in their life in a way that makes them feel welcomed, invited, encouraged, and loved.
Evangelism is showing Christ’s love to all people so that they, too, desire to experience, know, and share this love with a community of believers and with all others. As individuals we strive to live as disciples of Christ who are known for love, compassion, and works of justice.
Stories help us to better know one another and open doors to deeper and more meaningful relationships. Sharing stories of God’s transformative work in our lives is a powerful way to invite others to experience the same transformative work of God for themselves.
We are committed to being an inclusive church. We acknowledge and celebrate the diversity that exists in the community in which we live and serve. God cares deeply for all people, offering new life, meaning, and purpose. At First Church we strive to do the same by welcoming all people into Christian community and discipleship.
Invite a neighbor, friend, family, or even someone you’ve just met to worship, attend a Christian Education class, or come to a First Church event or activity.There are “pocket size” invite cards available. If you have a story of how God has impacted your life, consider sharing your story with the Communications Department at First Church by emailing Communications@FUMCPensacola.com.