Our worship of God never really ends. Though our worship services may only last an hour, the words “Going Forth†remind us that our worship continues even as we depart the sanctuary doors. Christian worship is not confined to Sunday morning: it continues throughout the week in the way we treat those around us. Whenever we show God’s love to our neighbor by acts of mercy and service, we are still worshiping God. At First Church we understand that the various ministries of our evangelistic outreach are acts of Christian worship; as Jesus commanded, we are ‘going into all the world’ (Matt 28:18). In other words, we pray to be—and we work at being—the hands and feet of Christ by demonstrating the love of God to others through acts of compassion in the name of Jesus Christ. All of our numerous missional programs are designed to share the love of God in Jesus Christ with people beyond our church community. “Christ for the world we sing; the world to Christ we bring†(# 568 in The United Methodist Hymnal). Christian missions begins in Christian worship.
Christ calls us to be in ministry with the poor, marginalized, and those in need. At First Church we reach out to those in need in a variety of ways. Our Backpack Ministry provides food for hungry children in our community. Twice a week, First Church provides a hot meal and clothing as part of our Serving the Hungry program. Located in our Outreach Building, Milk ’n Honey Outreach Ministries is a program designed to reach out to inner city children and youth with mentoring and counseling activities. Suit Yourself, a ministry of the United Methodist Women of our church, provides work attire for women in need who are reentering the work force.
As a local congregation of The United Methodist Church we do our part in supporting the missional work of our denomination in our community and around the world. First Church supports a variety of local and global mission organizations through individual and group contributions and volunteer support. In 2018, First Church contributed over $93,067 to local and global missions outside of our church. Every year the UMC contributes millions of dollars towards missions focused on engaging in ministry with the poor, improving global health, developing principled Christian leaders, and creating new and renewed congregations. In 2018, First Church contributed approximately $228,820 through connectional giving to The United Methodist Church.
Call to Action
Volunteer to serve with a missions and outreach program at First Church and go above and beyond your tithe by contributing directly to missions and outreach projects. You can also bring in UMCOR Hygiene and Cleaning Kits to aid recovery efforts. Reference the Every Member in Ministry form below for more information. Kits can be dropped off in the Church Office.Â