Services in-person & online at 8:30 and 11:00am at Florida's Oldest United Methodist Church

2 SHOWS: Friday, february 10 & Saturday, february 11
6:00 p.m. in the Activities Center
tickets: $25/person

Great Food. Great Entertainment. Great Cause.

Attendees will get to enjoy a delicious three course meal prepared by Susie Schmidt and Ruth’s Kitchen, various live music acts playing classic hits from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, and best of all, we’ll get to support our sister church in Tanzania. Shows will be on both Friday night, February 10, and Saturday night, February 11, at 6:00pm in the Activities Center. Please note that free childcare will be available at the Friday show only. This will be a great date night or friends night out. To purchase tickets, fill out the form below. Tickets are $25 a person. Cash and check payments can be delivered to the Church Office on or before the night of the event.

All proceeds from the evening benefit our congregation’s partnership with the United Methodist Church in Tanzania. We are sending a team over this spring to do some important work, and if we reach our goal of selling 200 tickets for each night we will hit our fundraising goal in one weekend. So tell your family. Tell your friends. And Join us for a Night of the Classics!

Images from our 2018 Night of the Classics

Teaming with Tanzania

Five years ago, we responded to God’s call and raised money to build a house of worship for Nyegezi UMC, a Methodist congregation in the city of Mwanza. There are now needs in the areas of Education, Development, and Training.

In April, we will be commissioning and sending a team to share and work with our Tanzanian brothers and sisters who are interested in developing children’s ministries in their churches and regions. We’ll conference with 24 aspiring children’s ministers (two from each of the 12 districts around the country) and we will offer our love, support, and training for Children’s Ministry—an area of great need and potential in the Tanzanian church.

For this trip to be a success we will need help. It’s going to take $5,000 to cover the travel and lodging costs for each of our Tanzanian participants. That’s our first priority. We also hope to raise another $5,000 for conference supplies and to help our team make the trip. Any extra monies we raise will go to support our Children’s Ministry leaders after we leave. So our fundraising goal is $10,000. And we are trusting God to provide.

Through this conference—through the relationships we make, the information we share, and the support going into the future—we are praying and believing that we can have a positive impact on hundreds and hundreds of children all across Tanzania in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your being a part.

A Children’s event at our sister church, Nyegezi UMC (2019)

Tickets may be paid for online or in-person and picked up in the church office at First United Methodist Church (6 East Wright Street) during regular office hours and on Sunday morning.