Why is it important for us to study the Bible? Is it primarily so we can become biblical scholars? While this may be the goal of some readers, it is probably not the purpose for most of us. Not everyone will become a biblical scholar, but we are all called to study and learn God’s word.
The Bible is a life-changing story. When we study God’s word and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, we discover more about God. As we read scripture, we learn that God desires a relationship with us. We find that God is faithful even when we fail. The Bible teaches us that God has gone to great lengths to reconcile all of creation. God sent his only Son to live among us, endure human suffering, and pay for the sins of the whole world through death on the cross.
Through Christian Education we discover who we are as followers of Christ. We are drawn into a deeper relationship with God. Our faith is formed and our lives are transformed. As we read God’s story, we discover that God desires for us to live in covenant relationship with one another, so that we may help others to become disciples of Christ, who walk in the way that leads to life. During this “Growing Season,†may we “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.†(2 Peter 3:18)
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. John 1:1–4
Joe Taylor
Joe is the chairman of the Christian Education Committee, a small group leader and an advocate of Christian Education in our church and community.
August 17 | Prayerfully consider where you are and what season you are in regarding your faith/spiritual formation and your own Christian discipleship.
August 18 |Â Review the Christian Education Course Catalog to determine course studies that may help you to grow during this season of your Christian Journey.
August 19 | Ask God for discernment about what Christian Education classes you should pursue to fulfill God’s calling for your life and to help you grow in Christian discipleship.
August 20 |Â Prayerfully consider whether you can support the sharing of the Gospel through our Christian Education programs by being a teacher, leader, or discussion facilitator.
August 21 |Â Select and register for the courses that are right for this season of your spiritual formation.
August 22 |Â Pray for our Christian Education Programs that it will equip us as the body of Christ to share the Gospel with all.
Stone, Howard W., and James Duke. How to Think Theologically. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.
Van Harn, Roger E. Exploring and Proclaiming the Apostles’ Creed. London: Morehouse, 2004.
Wright, N. T. Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense. New York: HarperOne, 2006.
Brueggemann, Walter. The Creative Word: Canon as a Model for Biblical Education. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982.
Maddox, Randy L. Responsible Grace: John Wesley’s Practical Theology. Nashville: Kingswood, 1994.