Grant, 0 Lord, to all who are bereaved the spirit of faith and courage, that they may have strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; not sorrowing as those without hope, but in thankful remembrance of your great goodness, and in the joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love. And this we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Families may receive visitors in the Gathering Area or The Wright Place before the funeral.
Families may have a reception in The Wright Place following the funeral.
FUMC does not allow open caskets in the Sanctuary or The Wright Place.
One picture may be displayed in the Sanctuary. All other pictures may be displayed in the Gathering Area or in The Wright Place (if a reception is arranged.)
Arrangements for the service and Sanctuary are made with the Senior Pastor’s secretary. Arrangements for receptions, use of The Wright Place or other facilities are made with the church’s Events Coordinator.
For receptions in The Wright Place, FUMC provides punch, cookies, nuts and mints. Families are welcome to cater in more food if desired.
Tables will be provided for displays and equipment for PowerPoint presentations is available upon request.
A table for the Registration Book will also be provided.
FUMC permits only two matching flower arrangements in the Sanctuary. FUMC has two artificial ferns that can be placed in the front of the Sanctuary if there are no flowers.
No flowers are allowed on the altar table.
Sprays may be placed at the top of the steps outside of the Sanctuary.
Extra arrangements may be placed in the Gathering Area or in the Chapel. If there is a reception in The Wright Place, arrangements may also be placed there.
FUMC has a Pall to cover the casket if the family would prefer that instead of a blanket of flowers.
The Columbarium is a permanent, cabinet-like structure with recessed, sealed niches for the placement of the earthly remains after cremation. Each anodized aluminum niche is faced with a protective and decorative front of bronze, to which is attached an identification plate for the appropriate name and the dates of birth and death. For more information contact the Church Administrator.